Start up communication
Communication-guide for start-ups findes på både tysk og engelsk og er mit første bogprojekt nogensinde. I bogen deler +70 kommunikationseksperter med hver deres ekspertise ud af de udfordringer og tematikker, som de møder i deres daglige arbejde som kommunikationsansvarlige for nogle af Europas største start-up- og scale-up virksomheder.
Staying Connected
– The Influence of Internal Communication on the Company Culture
In the first edition of the book, I was employed as an internal communications consultant at the German transport and logistics company; sennder which at that time had 7 offices spread across Europe and was in the midst of intense scale-up development. This and the worldwide Corona pandemic made great demands on how we communicate with and including our employees.
In the book, I describe how internal communication played and should play a central strategic role in scale-up companies to ensure that everyone understands the business goals and what is needed. I will also briefly touch on my role in connection with digitizing the internal communication.
Last but not least, I touch on how internal communication and a healthy corporate culture also go hand in hand.
You can read my contribution in English here